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AI Code for Invasion Force - an Explore/Conquer Strategic Wargame
Copyright (C) 1996 Brannen Hough
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
cyber_interface.c -- artificial intelligence module for Empire II
/* This file contains all the routines associated with interfacing
with the main game engine - basically at two places (1) selecting
production for new cities (and cities that just built something)
and (2) the player's mainloop (where all the units get moved, etc.)
Cleanup (when the game is over) has also been stuck in here.
#include "global.h"
#define DEBUG_AI_INT(string) if (!rtEZRequestTags(string,"Continue|Abort", \
{ if (AIhandle != NULL) unpost_it(AIhandle); AIhandle = NULL; \
clean_exit(0, NULL); }
*************** Production Interface *************************
/* This routine will set up the needed production for all Governors. */
void set_automated_production (struct City *metro)
int AI_type = PLAYER.aggr;
struct GovNode* Gov = NULL;
/* Now let's explore the hex we start with. If we just took this
city, or are starting out with it, this is important. */
/* We do the next in this manner so that other computer opponents
can be added later, up to the ten maximum. Note we have deliberate
fall-throughs so that unsupported AI types will default to the
'best' supported type. */
switch( AI_type ) {
case 10:
case 9:
case 8:
case 7:
case 6:
case 5:
//Gov = AI4_locate_gov( metro );
/* Let the Gov take a look around */
//explore_at_hex( player, metro->col, metro->row, INVISIBLE, FALSE);
//AI1_do_one_histogram( Gov );
//AI5_set_gov_mode( Gov );
//AI5_set_gov_prod( metro, Gov );
//if( PLAYER.aggr != 5 ) PLAYER.aggr = 5;
case 4:
Gov = AI4_locate_gov( metro );
/* And let the (perhaps new) Gov take a look around */
explore_at_hex( player, metro->col, metro->row, INVISIBLE, FALSE);
AI1_do_one_histogram (Gov);
AI3_set_gov_mode (Gov);
AI4_set_gov_prod( metro, Gov );
if( PLAYER.aggr != 4 ) PLAYER.aggr = 4;
case 3:
Gov = AI3_locate_gov( metro );
/* And let the (perhaps new) Gov take a look around */
explore_at_hex( player, metro->col, metro->row, INVISIBLE, FALSE);
AI1_do_one_histogram (Gov);
AI3_set_gov_mode (Gov);
AI3_set_gov_prod( metro, Gov );
if( PLAYER.aggr != 3 ) PLAYER.aggr = 3;
//case 1:
case 2:
Gov = AI2_locate_gov( metro );
AI2_set_gov_prod( metro, Gov );
if( PLAYER.aggr != 2 ) PLAYER.aggr = 2;
case 1:
Gov = AI1_locate_gov( metro );
AI1_set_gov_prod( metro, Gov );
if( PLAYER.aggr != 1 ) PLAYER.aggr = 1;
DEBUG_AI("Error in set_automated_prod. Aggressiveness out of range.")
} /* End switch */
int do_computer_city_production ()
struct City *metro = (struct City *)city_list.mlh_Head;
int ctr = 0;
/* This routine will duplicate much of do_cities_production. These two
should be put back together in the future. For now, this works just
for ( ; metro->cnode.mln_Succ; metro =
(struct City *)metro->cnode.mln_Succ)
if (metro->owner==player) {
metro->unit_wip += (metro->industry*PLAYER.prod)/50;
if (metro->unit_wip >= wishbook[metro->unit_type].build) {
/* We finished a new unit */
make_new_unit( metro );
/* Now we call set_automated_production to set a new production
for this city
set_automated_production (metro);
} /* End if > Wishbook */
} /* End if owner of city */
/* End for loop */
return (ctr); /* Don't know if this is usefull info or not right now. */
void make_new_unit( struct City* metro)
struct GovNode *Gov = NULL;
struct GovNode *Gov2 = NULL;
int Done;
struct Unit *new_unit = AllocVec((int)sizeof(*new_unit),MEMF_CLEAR);
metro->unit_wip = 0;
/* build the unit */
new_unit->col = metro->col;
new_unit->row = metro->row;
new_unit->owner = player;
new_unit->type = metro->unit_type;
new_unit->move = unit_speed(new_unit);
new_unit->damage = 0;
new_unit->attacks = 0;
new_unit->cargo = 0;
new_unit->ship = NULL;
new_unit->orders = NULL;
new_unit->fuel = wishbook[new_unit->type].range;
/* DEBUG_AI("Built new unit!") */
/* We need to name the unit so that we can tell what governor
owns it. This is done to keep within the unit structures
as defined and not add any more elements (so far).
Done = 0;
if( (new_unit->type == TRANSPORT) || (new_unit->type == CARRIER) ||
(new_unit->type == BATTLESHIP) ) {
// These units get their own Governor
struct GovNode *new_gov = AllocVec((int)sizeof(*new_gov),MEMF_CLEAR);
new_gov->x = metro->col;
new_gov->y = metro->row;
new_gov->targx = -1;
new_gov->targy = -1;
new_gov->searchx = -1;
new_gov->searchy = -1;
new_gov->mode = GOV_SEARCH;
new_gov->flags = 0;
new_gov->owner = player;
if( new_unit->type == TRANSPORT ) new_gov->type = GOV_TRANSPORT;
if( new_unit->type == CARRIER ) new_gov->type = GOV_CARRIER;
if( new_unit->type == BATTLESHIP ) new_gov->type = GOV_BATTLESHIP;
new_gov->ID = NewGov++;
// Add a random number to keep from revealing too much to human
// players
NewGov += (int) RangeRand(3L);
// Note: The AI must initialize this Governor before using it -
// it has not had do_one_histogram or set_gov_mode done on it.
// These functions are AI dependent, so they are not done here.
/*sprintf (outbuf, "Creating Governor %ld at %ld,%ld",
new_gov->ID, new_gov->x, new_gov->y);
DEBUG_AI(outbuf) */
/* Add the new governor to the list of governors */
AddTail((struct List *)&GovList,(struct Node *)new_gov);
sprintf( outbuf, "%ld / %ld", new_gov->ID, NewUnit++);
// Add a random number to keep from revealing too much to human
// players
NewUnit += (int) RangeRand(6L);
name_unit( new_unit, outbuf );
else {
for ( Gov = (struct GovNode *)GovList.mlh_Head; (Gov->gnode.mln_Succ)
&& (!Done); Gov = (struct GovNode *)Gov->gnode.mln_Succ) {
/* Check for the right coordinates */
if ((Gov->x == metro->col) && (Gov->y == metro->row)
&& (Gov->owner == player)
&& ((Gov->type == GOV_CITY) || (Gov->type == GOV_PORT)
|| (Gov->type == GOV_ISLAND) )) {
/* We found the right governor, now let's
set the name correctly
sprintf (outbuf, "%ld / %ld", Gov->req.req_gov, NewUnit++);
// Add a random number to keep from revealing too much to human
// players
NewUnit += (int) RangeRand(6L);
name_unit(new_unit, outbuf);
Done = 1;
sprintf(outbuf, "Built new %s", UnitString[new_unit->type]);
sprintf(outbuf, "Naming unit '%s' (%ld)", new_unit->name,
/* And, lets update the data for the owning governor */
for(Gov2 = (struct GovNode *)GovList.mlh_Head;
Gov2 = (struct GovNode *)Gov2->gnode.mln_Succ) {
if( Gov2->ID == Gov->req.req_gov ) {
} /* end for */
} /* End if right coordinates and owner */
} /* End for loop */
} // End else another type of unit
if ((!Done) || (new_unit->name == NULL)) {
name_unit(new_unit, "UNNAMED");
DEBUG_AI("Problem! Have no name for newly built unit")
if (!Done) DEBUG_AI("Did not find correct Governor")
sprintf (outbuf, "%s Unit %s is at %ld, %ld",
UnitString[new_unit->type], new_unit->name, new_unit->col,
AddTail((struct List *)&unit_list,(struct Node *)new_unit);
*************** Game Play Routines *************************
void computer_player_moves ()
int AI_type = PLAYER.aggr;
int new_units;
struct Unit *unit = (struct Unit *)unit_list.mlh_Head;
struct Unit *FoundUnit = (struct Unit *)unit_list.mlh_Head;
struct City *FoundCity = (struct City *)city_list.mlh_Head;
/* This routine is called by the game mechanics to do the computer
player's moves, production, repair, etc.
/* First, let's put up the appropriate msg to say who we are */
switch( AIDataFlag ) {
case 5:
// Show the AI players moving
// Find a unit or city owned by the player
while( (FoundCity->cnode.mln_Succ) && (FoundCity->owner != player) )
FoundCity = (struct City *)FoundCity->cnode.mln_Succ;
if( !FoundCity->cnode.mln_Succ ) FoundCity = NULL;
while( (FoundUnit->unode.mln_Succ) && (FoundUnit->owner != player) )
FoundUnit = (struct Unit *)FoundUnit->unode.mln_Succ;
if( !FoundUnit->unode.mln_Succ ) FoundUnit = NULL;
// Create a map display there
if( FoundCity ) create_player_display( FoundCity->col,
FoundCity->row );
if( FoundUnit ) create_player_display( FoundUnit->row,
FoundUnit->col );
// Deliberate fall-through
case 4:
// Set the message delay to 30
PLAYER.msg_delay = 30;
// Deliberate fall-through
case 3:
// Set the message delay to 20
if( AIDataFlag < 4 ) {
PLAYER.msg_delay = 20;
// Add the sticky note
sprintf (outbuf, "Player %ld (AI type %ld)",
player, AI_type);
AIhandle = post_it (outbuf);
// Deliberate fall-through
case 2:
// Add a tell_user call
sprintf (outbuf, "Player %ld (AI type %ld)",
player, AI_type);
tell_user2( outbuf, FALSE, NULL );
// Deliberate fall-through
case 1: {
if( AIDataFlag < 3 ) {
// Set the message delay to 10
PLAYER.msg_delay = 10;
if( AIDataFlag < 5 ) {
// Show a wait cursor
default: {
PLAYER.msg_delay = 10;
} // End switch
/* update all unit moves and explore around units */
for (; unit->unode.mln_Succ; unit = (struct Unit *)unit->unode.mln_Succ)
if (unit->owner==player) {
unit->move = unit_speed(unit);
unit->attacks = 0;
} /* End if my units */
/* End For Loop */
/* DEBUG_AI("Updated all units movement points") */
/* update his production for this turn */
new_units = do_computer_city_production();
/* DEBUG_AI("Done with production phase") */
/* We do the next in this manner so that other computer opponents
can be added later, up to the ten maximum. Note we have deliberate
fall-throughs so that unsupported AI types will default to the
'best' supported type. */
switch( AI_type ) {
case 10:
case 9:
case 8:
case 7:
case 6:
case 5:
//AI5_play_turn( new_units );
case 4:
AI4_play_turn( new_units );
case 3:
AI3_play_turn( new_units );
//case 1:
case 2:
AI2_play_turn( new_units );
case 1:
New_AI1_play_turn( new_units );
DEBUG_AI("Error in computer_player_moves(). Aggressiveness out of range.")
} /* End switch */
/* do some housekeeping at end of turn
here I want to check for any ships that need repair
unit=(struct Unit *)unit_list.mlh_Head;
for (; unit->unode.mln_Succ; unit=(struct Unit *)unit->unode.mln_Succ)
if (unit->damage > 0 && unit->move > 50)
if (unit->owner==player && city_hereP(unit->col,unit->row))
/* End if, End if, End for */
/* DEBUG_AI("Done with unit repair") */
/* All Done. Let's remove the sticky note */
switch( AIDataFlag ) {
case 5:
// Hide the AI players moving
roster[player].show = SHOW_NON;
// Deliberate fall-through
case 4:
// Deliberate fall-through
case 3:
// Deliberate fall-through
// Remove the sticky note
AIhandle = NULL;
case 2:
// Deliberate fall-through
// Nothing to do here
case 1: {
// Remove the wait cursor
ClearPointer( map_window );
default: {
} // End switch
*************** Initialization and Cleanup *******************
// This routine is to deallocate the memory for computer opponents
void cleanup_computer()
//calc_move (MOVE_CLEANUP, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0);
// We need to clean out and delete all the Governors
nuke_list (&GovList);
// Take out Post-it if up
if (AIhandle != NULL) unpost_it(AIhandle);
AIhandle = NULL;
// And just for the heck of it, reset the numbering scheme
NewGov = 12;
NewUnit = 1000;
*************** Saving and Restoring Files *****************
int SaveAIPlayers( BPTR file, char* err )
// the governor list
struct GovNode *gov = ( struct GovNode* ) GovList.mlh_Head;
int num_govs = count_nodes( &GovList );
Write( file, &num_govs, (long) sizeof( num_govs ) );
for (; gov->gnode.mln_Succ; gov = ( struct GovNode* )gov->gnode.mln_Succ)
// We want to save everything in each governor node except the cnode
// so that has to stay in the front, and this needs to point to the
// first item of data AFTER the cnode, which is the type for the
// governors
Write( file, &gov->type, (long)(sizeof( *gov )-sizeof(gov->gnode)) );
return 0;
int LoadAIPlayers( BPTR file, char*err )
int ctr;
// restore the AI players' governors list
int num_govs;
(void)Read( file, &num_govs, sizeof( num_govs ) );
if ( num_govs > 0 ) {
struct GovNode *gov;
for( ctr=1; ctr <= num_govs; ctr++ ) {
gov = AllocVec( sizeof( *gov ), MEMF_CLEAR );
if ( gov == NULL ) {
strcpy( err, "Unable to allocate RAM for governors." );
return -1;
} // end if
(void)Read( file, &gov->type, sizeof( *gov )- sizeof( gov->gnode ));
AddTail( (struct List* )&GovList, (struct Node *)gov );
} // End for
} // end if
return 0;